CloudShell Version: 2023.3 GA
Guide Version: 1.0
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Post Installation Configuration

This section describes the configuration steps that are required after the first login to QualiX VM.

In the configuration process, you set up the remote access terminals that tell CloudShell how to create the connections to the sandbox components. The terminals are defined in the Quali Server machine's ServerUniversalSettings.xml file.

For example:

<key name="RDP" pattern="http://<CloudShell Portal Host>:<CloudShell Portal Port>/Qx/connect?qualix=<VM IP>&amp;qualixType=https&amp;rdp{qid}&amp;qtoken={qtoken}&amp;hostname={Address}&amp;protocol=rdp&amp;port=3389&amp;username={User}&amp;password={Password}&amp;security=any&amp;ignore-cert=true" icon-key="RDP" />

QualiX provides two methods for remote access connectivity (each has its own remote access terminals):

  • Apache Guacamole provides access via RDP, SSH, Telnet and VNC.
  • QualiX’ VCenter Console Proxy service provides access to vCenter App VMs using vCenter's VM Web Console.

In this chapter: