CloudShell Watcher Data Overview
With customer consent, Quali collects anonymous CloudShell usage data and system health information. We use this data for internal research and support-related purposes to improve our products and services, improve customer engagement, resolve technical issues and more.
By default, CloudShell Watcher is disabled, but can be enabled when running the Quali Server Configuration Wizard. For details, see the Related Topics links below.
Your privacy comes first
To protect your privacy, all personal identity information of the users, such as user names, passwords and emails, is removed from the data. Furthermore, the data is sent to our dedicated storage on the cloud in a secured and encrypted manner.
The data we collect
The highest number of sandboxes that were used concurrently on the previous day
- Number of sandboxes that were started on the previous day
- List of the owners who had active sandboxes on the previous day
- The customer's number of concurrent sandbox licenses
- Number of public blueprints
- Number of blueprints that were used to create the previous day’s active sandboxes
Settings of configuration keys related to the enabling and disabling of features, but not keys that contain customer data
To allow CloudShell to collect usage data and system health information, set your firewall to allow traffic through the following URLs/ports:
Related Topics