CloudShell Version: 2023.3 GA
Guide Version: 1.0
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Sandboxes are active sessions of blueprints. They have a start and end time and contain resources and connections. Resources that are reserved exclusively in a sandbox can’t be used in another sandbox at the same time. The sandbox has an owner and permitted users who can both edit the sandbox details (extend the duration of the sandbox, add other users, etc.) and work in the sandbox. You can also save and restore a sandbox with the Save and Restore paid add-on, see Sandbox Save and Restore Overview.

For video tutorials about blueprints and creating sandboxes, visit the Quali U Courses portal.

Recommended workflows

Browsing the Sandboxes Dashboard

Creating sandboxes

  1. Creating Sandboxes
  2. Browse the Sandbox Workspace
  3. Review Sandbox Instructions
  4. Run Blueprint commands
  5. Run Resource commands
  6. Extend and End Sandboxes

Editing sandboxes

  1. Add Resources, Apps in Sandboxes, Add services
  2. Add and configure Physical Network Connectivity requirements
  3. Add and configure Virtual Network Connectivity requirements

Saving sandboxes

  1. To save a future sandbox, enable Sandbox Save in Define the Blueprint's Properties
  2. Save a Sandbox
  3. The saved sandbox is added to the Saved Sandboxes Dashboard

Restoring and deleting saved sandboxes

  1. Browse the Saved Sandboxes Dashboard
  2. Restore a Saved Sandbox
  3. Delete a Saved Sandbox