Edit license pool
Edit a license pool's details..
HTTP method

http://{Admin API IP}:{port#}/api/v1/licensepools/{id}

Example header format:
Authorization: Basic <authorization token returned from the login method>
Content-Type: application/json
Parameter | Description/Comments |
id |
(string) License pool's id. Can be retrieved via Get all license pools. |

Parameter | Description/Comments |
Name | (bool) License pool name. |
Description | (string) License pool's password |
MaxConcurrentReservation | (int) Maximum number of licenses (sandbox reservations) allowed by the license pool. |
Domains | (string) Comma-separated list of domain ids to add the license pool to. |

"Name": "Test license pool",
"Description": "license pool for testing",
"MaxConcurrentReservation": 3,
"Domains": ["985c3306-fad7-4e85-a4e3-c44876149657"]

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