CloudShell Version: 2023.3 GA
Guide Version: 1.0
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Set a Static IP for the QualiX VM

By default, QualiX VMs use a dynamic IP, which may change from time to time. To prevent this from happening, set a static IP.

To set a static IP:

  1. Log in to the VM as the root user.

    The default credentials are:

    Username: root

    Password: qs1234

  2. In command-line, run the following command:

  3. In the NetworkManager screen, select Edit a connection.

  4. Select the Wired connection 1 network.

  5. In the Edit Connection screen, change IPv4 CONFIGURATION to Manual, and click Show.

  6. In the IPv4 CONFIGURATION area, set the static IP address, gateway and DNS server, select the Require IPv4 addressing for this connection checkbox, and click OK.

  7. Return to the main screen and select Activate a connection.

  8. Select Wired connection 1 and click Activate.

  9. To verify, run ifconfig in command-line.

    The static IP addess is displayed in the command output.