CloudShell Version: 2023.3 GA
Guide Version: 1.0
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Set the Timeout Period for CloudShell Portal

To set the timeout period for Portal sessions:

  1. Go to the <Installation drive>\Program Files (x86)\QualiSystems\CloudShell\Portal\Web.config file.
  2. Locate the sessionState timeout line:

         <sessionState timeout="120">

    The default timeout period is 120 minutes.

    An alert message is issued shortly before the timeout, so if you do modify the timeout interval, do not use a setting that is six minutes or less.

  3. Set the suitable timeout period and save the file.
  4. Restart the IIS, and clear the browser cache.

Note: Modifications you make to the Web.config file are overwritten during an upgrade of the CloudShell application. We therefore recommend that you save a copy of the web.config file as a backup.