CloudShell Version: 2023.3 GA
Guide Version: 1.0
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This article relates to the original Job Scheduling. For the New Job Scheduling, see New Job Scheduling.

Viewing Test, Job and Suite Execution Results

In this article:

Automation Suite execution results

To see a suite's execution results:

  • In the Job Scheduling dashboard, click the suite's Details button on the right.

The results are:

  • Succeeded - all jobs ended (completed) or passed
  • Failed to start - (for recurring automation suites) suite failed to enter the queue at the scheduled start time
  • Failed - one or more tests failed
  • Error - suite was stopped or one or more tests encountered an error

Job execution results

To see a job execution's result:

  • In the Job Scheduling dashboard, open the suite's job.

The job execution's results are:

  • Not Started - job was cancelled (deleted from the queue)
  • Completed - all tests ended (completed)
  • Passed - all tests passed
  • Failed to start - (for recurring automation suites) job failed to enter the queue at the scheduled start time
  • Failed - one or more tests failed
  • Ended with Errors - one or more tests encountered an error
  • Ended with an Exception - At least one test resulted as "Terminated Unexpectedly"
  • Manually Stopped - user manually stopped the job's execution via UI or API
  • Terminated - The last test ended with "Terminated"

Test execution results

To see a test execution's result:

  • In the Job Scheduling dashboard, open the suite's job and click the test's more info button.

The possible results are:

  • Fail
  • Pass
  • Completed
  • Error