CloudShell Version: 2023.3 GA
Guide Version: 1.0
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Cost Management of AWS EC2 Instances

To assist with your AWS EC2 cost management activities, AWS EC2 resources that are created by CloudShell Apps include the following tags: Blueprint, CreatedBy, Domain, Name, Owner, and ReservationId.

Important: These tags should not be altered as this may cause unexpected behavior and inaccurate AWS budget reports.

For example:

Creating budgets

Budgets are your way to manage your CloudShell AWS costs. Here are a few examples of how to use CloudShell tags in your budget:

  • For a general budget, select the CreatedBy tag with the CloudShell value, and specify an amount.
  • To limit specific users, select the Owner tag and specify the owner for whom to create a budget.
  • To limit the number of times a blueprint can be reserved, select the Blueprint tag and select a specific blueprint.
  • To limit the number of AWS instances that can be created per domain, select the Domain tag and select a certain domain.

For additional information on creating a budget, see CloudShell AWS Cost Management on our Community forum.