This article relates to the New Job Scheduling, which provides enhanced performance and support for different testing frameworks. For the original Job Scheduling, see Job Scheduling.
Get Test Execution Services
Gets all registered Test Execution Services, including each server's details (server id, address, test type, capacity, etc.)..
HTTP method

http://{Job Scheduling API IP}:{port#}/api/ExecutionServer

Example header format:
Authorization: Basic <authorization token returned from the login method>
Content-Type: application/json

"id": "94f4ab95-5c58-46b1-adce-fab88f9196e4",
"name": "My TES1",
"testTypeId": "59aabbe8-dc0b-48c4-81af-d76f915b47b1",
"testTypeName": "Robot",
"address": "http://test-exec-srv.test-exec-srv-2.default.svc.cluster.local:8250",
"capacity": 200,
"description": "Cloudshell Execution Service for running Robot tests",
"runningJobsCount": 0,
"leasedJobsCount": 0,
"isOnline": true,
"isIncluded": true,
"excludedByUsername": null,
"excludedByName": null,
"excludeReason": null,
"spaces": []

Parameter | Description/Comments |
id |
Test Execution Service id. (guid) |
name | Test Execution Service name. (string) |
testTypeId | Id of the test type. (guid) |
testTypeName |
Test Execution Service supported test type. (string) For example, Robot. |
address | Test Execution Service address. (string) |
capacity | Maximum supported number of concurrent job executions. (numeric) |
description | Test Execution Service description, if defined. (string) |
runningJobsCount |
Number of jobs currently running on the Test Execution Service. Note that the sum total of the leasedJobsCount and runningJobsCount cannot exceed the defined capacity. (numeric) |
leasedJobsCount |
Job slots allocated to a suite execution while the job’s sandbox is being created. (numeric) Note that the sum total of the leasedJobsCount and runningJobsCount cannot exceed the defined capacity. |
isOnline | Whether the Test Execution Service is currently online. (bool) |
isIncluded |
Whether the Test Execution Service is currently included. (bool) |
excludedByUsername | (Applies only if the Test Execution Service is currently excluded) CloudShell username who excluded the Test Execution Service. (string) |
excludedByName | (Applies only if the Test Execution Service is currently excluded) First and last name of the CloudShell user who excluded the Test Execution Service. (string) |
excludeReason | (Applies only if the Test Execution Service is currently excluded) Reason provided for excluding the Test Execution Service. (string) |
spaces | Domains in which this Test Execution Service is used. (string) |