Import users from your active directory/LDAP into CloudShell.
http://{Admin API IP}:{port#}/api/v1/integrations/IdentityManagement/users
Example header format:
Authorization: Basic <authorization token returned from the login method>
Content-Type: application/json
External group name. Can be retrieved via Get all external groups.
Tip: You should import by group name for larger organizations containing hundreds of users as importing all users may fail due to active directory/LDAP limitations.
{ "UserName": "James Porter", }
By group name:
{ "GroupName": "Azure_DevOps_Cloud_Admins" }
{ "Users": [ { "Id": 11, "Sid": "750ad20a-ccf7-4185-a1d9-9202bd108f71", "Username": "automationuser", "Email": null, "IsActive": true, "IsAdmin": false, "GroupIds": [ 1 ], "TimeZoneInfoId": null, "MaxReservationDuration": 1440, "MaxConcurrentReservations": 10, "MaxScheduledSandboxes": 10, "MaxOwnedBlueprints": 10, "MaxSavedSandboxes": null, "DomainRoles": [], "DomainName": "QUALISYSTEMS", "ImportedSid": "S-1-5-21-1487810946-2753822684-3978873285-7293" } ], "Errors": [] }
200 OK
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