Migrating Shells to Python 3
In this article, we’ll explain the general process for upgrading a Python 2-based shell to Python 3.
Note: Quali is currently working on updating all Quali-certified Python 2 shells to Python 3, so if you need a Python 3 version of a Quali-certified shell, please contact your Quali Technical Account Manager.
Open the shelldefinition.yaml file and promote the shell version. For example:
template_version: 2.0.0
Open the drivermetadata.xml file and add the PythonVersion=”3” tag:
<Driver Description="Describe the purpose of your CloudShell shell" MainClass="driver.CloudService2Driver" Name="CloudService2Driver" Version="1.0.0" PythonVersion="3">
In the requirements.txt file:
- Replace cloudshell-core with cloudshell-logging.
- Update the rest of the CloudShell packages to the latest versions.
In every .py file in the project:
Update the code syntax to Python 3 format.
Update the import of cloudshell-core to cloudshell-logging (no need to update the code).
from cloudshell.logging.qs_logger import get_qs_logger
Make sure all non-CloudShell packages support Python 3.
Pack and install the shell on CloudShell.