Customer Configuration Keys Repository

The customer configuration keys repository is arranged in the following categories:

For more information on the use of each configuration key and for examples, see Advanced CloudShell Customizations.

Abstract resources


For configuration keys related to API SSO, see SSO Login to CloudShell APIs.


Connectivity management and route configuration

Creating and viewing sandboxes

Blueprint Catalog

Blueprint Workspace

Execution Server

For Python package handling keys, see PyPi Server. For execution server configurations and customizations, see Optimizing Execution Provisioning.


Changing the default Quali API port (9000)

By default, Quali API runs over port 9000.

To change the Quali API port:

  1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\QualiSystems\CloudShell\Server\customer.config file, and add the following key:

    <add key="QualiApi.Port" value="9002"/>

  2. Change the port, as appropriate. For example: "9002".
  3. Save the file.
  4. Restart the Quali Server service.

Inventory dashboard

New Job Scheduling

LDAP Integration

See LDAP Integration.


Online Help

PyPi Server

Registration, passwords, emails, and licenses

Scheduling and Queuing

Job Scheduling is available as an add-on. For details, contact your account manager.

For local tests configurations, see Working with local tests.

Scheduling commands


Single Sign On (SSO)

SAML Single Sign On (SSO)

SSO/SLO configuration is available with CloudShell Premium Tier.

For step-by-step instructions on how to use these configuration keys, see Configuring SAML Single Sign-On (SSO).

Note: CloudShell supports SAML v2.0. If you encounter an error, please contact your SAML administrator.

TestShell Studio