Connect Resources and Apps

You can connect and disconnect resources and Apps that are linked by a connection route. For information about connection routes, see Connectivity

In this article:

Viewing connection status

To view the connection status of a connection:

  • Click a connection. A context menu is displayed.

    The icon at the center of the menu circle indicates the current state of the route - Connected or Disconnected.

    For more details about the connection, from the side-panel, select Properties.

Connecting or disconnecting reserved resources

You can connect or disconnect connections of type Route, Tap, Cable, and Connector (for LAN/Subnet connections). Connecting and disconnecting a connection creates/removes the internal mapping required for the connection.

Note: When reserving a blueprint that has connection routes, the default setup script automatically connects all physical and virtual network connections. And when a sandbox ends, all the route mappings of the sandbox are cleared by the default teardown script. For additional information, see CloudShell Sandbox Template.

To connect or disconnect a reserved route:

  1. Click a connection.
  2. From the Actions context menu, click the appropriate option (Connect or Disconnect).

    Note: You cannot connect or disconnect deployed Apps to or from a subnet.

Connecting all endpoints of a VLAN service

It is also possible to connect all endpoints that are connected to a VLAN service using the service's Connect All command.

Note: Subnet services are automatically deployed during the sandbox's setup phase by CloudShell's Default Sandbox Setup script, but do not have a Connect All command.

To connect a VLAN service's endpoints:

  1. In the sandbox, click the VLAN service.
  2. Select Commands.

    The Service Commands pane is displayed on the right.

  3. Click Connect All.

    Note: If the command is missing, ask your administrator to add the VLAN service model to the Vlan Service Connect All script in the Scripts - Resource management page.

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