Define the Blueprint's Properties

This section explains how to set the blueprint's properties, including name and description, image to be displayed in the Blueprint Catalog, the default duration for sandboxes based on this blueprint, owner and orchestration processes.

To define the blueprint's properties:

  1. From the Blueprint menu, select Properties.

    The Edit Blueprint page is displayed, in the General tab.

  2. Edit the blueprint's properties, as follows:

    Property Description
    Image The blueprint's image displayed in the Blueprint Catalog. The recommended size for the image is 190x120 pixels (image size is limited to 400x400 pixels or 200 KB).


    The blueprint's name.
    Created (Read only) The blueprint's creation and last modification times.
    Owner The blueprint's owner. Only users in the blueprint’s domain that aren’t external can be set as blueprint owner.
    Description The blueprint's description.
    Delete Deletes the blueprint.
    Default Duration

    The default duration for new sandboxes. By default, the sandbox duration is 2 hours.

    Set Max Duration

    The Set Max Duration check box enables you to set the maximum duration for the active sandbox. For example, to prevent users from over-using any valuable resources the sandbox may contain.

    Note: If there is a maximum duration set for the user, the shorter duration prevails.

    Drivers / Scripts

    Select the Python Setup & Teardown driver (if you are not using the out-of-the-box setup and teardown scripts). Select scripts to be added to the blueprint. For additional information, see Configure Blueprint Orchestration.


    Select the blueprint categories in which the blueprint is displayed. Once a category is selected, select the relevant sub-category, if there is one. For additional information, see Managing Categories.

    Save Sandbox

    This area applies to the Save and Restore add-on.

    • Enable Sandbox Save: Make sure this check box is selected if you want to allow end-users to save sandboxes created from this blueprint. If the check box is enabled, the Save the Sandbox button is displayed in the active sandbox and you will be able to save the sandbox. For additional information, see Save a Sandbox.
    • Use abstract template save behavior: Determine how the blueprint's abstract resources will behave in the saved sandbox. Options are:
    • Use abstract template save behavior: (Default) Use the save behavior defined on each abstract resource in the blueprint.
    • Return all resources to abstract: Revert all selected resources back to their abstract states.
    • Keep resolution for all resources: Save the selected resources as is. In other words, do not revert them back to abstract.
  3. Click Update.