Services in Blueprints

This article explains how to use services in blueprints. For additional information about CloudShell services, see Services Overview.

In this article:

View services

To view services:

  1. In the Diagram view, in the toolbar, click App / Service.
    The Add App / Service catalog is displayed.
  1. Browse the catalog by selecting a services folder or by using the text search.

    The list of folder items are displayed, grouped by the service families.

Add services

Tip: Before you add a Subnet service, read through Subnet Connectivity - Points to Consider.

To add a service to the diagram:

  1. Click the ‘+’ icon or drag it from the catalog into the diagram.

    The Add Service dialog box is displayed.

  2. Fill in any required fields.
  3. Click Add.

Remove services

To remove a service from the diagram:

  1. Select the required service.
  2. Hover over the Actions menu, select More Options and then select the Remove option .

Specify service attributes

When adding a service to a blueprint, you can specify that certain service attributes must prompt the user to enter values when the blueprint is reserved.

To specify service attributes in a blueprint:

  1. Login in to CloudShell Portal as administrator.
  2. Click Lab Management > Blueprints
  3. Click + Create Blueprint. If the Select from Templates context menu is displayed, click Create Empty Blueprint.
  4. A new blank blueprint is displayed in the Blueprint Catalog.

  5. In the toolbar, click App / Service.

    The Add App / Service pane is displayed.

  6. Drag the required service into the blueprint canvas. For the purposes of this procedure, a service called Apache HTTP is added.

    The Add Service dialog box is displayed.

  7. To make an attribute available as a required data-entry field to users of the blueprint, click the publish icon:

    Note: If you need to modify the attribute so that it is no longer published, click the publish icon again.

  8. To add the service to the blueprint, click Add.