2021.1.0 TestShell API XML RPC Reference Guide


Using the XML RPC API requires setting several http request headers. NOTE: ASCII decimal characters 0-31 are invalid inputs, not including 9, 10, and 13


string Content-Type
string Content-Length
The length in bytes of the request content
string DateTimeFormat
The time format to use for sending and receiving date/time values (e.g. "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm")
string ClientTimeZoneId
The time zone Id (e.g 'Central America Standard Time'). You can obtain the full list of time zones supported by the server using the GetServerTimeZones API request
string Authorization
A string of the format: Token=xoV3libZzEG/ii7ZQqAuqw==;MachineName=y The Authorization header must be set after successfully login after using the “Logon” or "SecureLogon" API, by using the Token returned in the Logon response. Prior to making the response the value of this header should have the value ‘Unset’
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ActivateTopologyActivate a topology.

Resolves all connectivity requests in the sandbox, and marks unshared resources as "in use".




string reservationId
Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
string topologyFullPath
Specify the full topology name. Include the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.


        <topologyFullPath>Temp Automation Resources/TP1</topologyFullPath>


  • resultXml
            <ResponseInfo Name="TP1" MachineName="PRODUCT-W7 - Tcl" Username="admin" Topology="TP1">
            <ResourceInfo Name="Router 1234" FolderFullPath="Lab Routers" Address="" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Chassis" ResourceModelName="Generic Chassis Model" Alias="Router 1234" Locked="false">
            <ResourceAttribute Name="SW_Version" Value="" Type="String"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 1" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="1" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="L1 Switch Port" ResourceModelName="Port EMPMC-36RJ" Alias="" Locked="true">
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Shutdown" Value="Disable" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Linked" Value="False" Type="String"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Shutdown Unmapped" Value="Enable" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="LIN" Value="Disable" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Auto Negotiation" Value="True" Type="Boolean"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Speed" Value="10 Mbps" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Duplex" Value="Full" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Link Match" Value="Enable" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="MDI" Value="AutoSense" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Auto Negotiation Advertise" Value="Other/Uknown" Type="Lookup"/>
            <LockInfo ReservationName="Immediate reservation" MachineName="PRODUCT-W7 - Tcl" Username="admin" Created="2012-06-20T18:03:50"/>
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/GenericResource 1234/Port 1"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 2" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="2" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="L1 Switch Port" ResourceModelName="Port EMPMC-36RJ" Alias="" Locked="true">
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Shutdown" Value="Enable" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Linked" Value="False" Type="String"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Shutdown Unmapped" Value="Enable" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="LIN" Value="Disable" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Auto Negotiation" Value="True" Type="Boolean"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Speed" Value="1 Gbps" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Duplex" Value="Full" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Link Match" Value="Enable" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="MDI" Value="AutoSense" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Auto Negotiation Advertise" Value="Other/Uknown" Type="Lookup"/>
            <LockInfo ReservationName="Immediate reservation" MachineName="PRODUCT-W7 - Tcl" Username="admin" Created="2012-06-20T18:03:50"/>
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/GenericResource 1234/Port 2"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="3" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="L1 Switch Port" ResourceModelName="Port EMPMC-36RJ" Alias="" Locked="true">
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Shutdown" Value="Enable" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Linked" Value="False" Type="String"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Shutdown Unmapped" Value="Enable" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="LIN" Value="Disable" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Auto Negotiation" Value="True" Type="Boolean"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Speed" Value="1 Gbps" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Duplex" Value="Full" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Link Match" Value="Enable" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="MDI" Value="AutoSense" Type="Lookup"/>
            <ResourceAttribute Name="Auto Negotiation Advertise" Value="Other/Uknown" Type="Lookup"/>
            <LockInfo ReservationName="Immediate reservation" MachineName="PRODUCT-W7 - Tcl" Username="admin" Created="2012-06-20T18:03:50"/>
            <Connections FullPath="Lab Routers/Router 1234/Port 1"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Resource" ResourceModelName="Generic Resource Model" Alias="GenericResource 1234" Locked="true">
            <LockInfo ReservationName="Immediate reservation" MachineName="PRODUCT-W7 - Tcl" Username="admin" Created="2012-06-20T18:03:50"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234/Port 1" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="1" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="Port 1" Locked="true">
            <LockInfo ReservationName="Immediate reservation" MachineName="PRODUCT-W7 - Tcl" Username="admin" Created="2012-06-20T18:03:50"/>
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 1"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234/Port 2" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="2" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="Port 2" Locked="true">
            <LockInfo ReservationName="Immediate reservation" MachineName="PRODUCT-W7 - Tcl" Username="admin" Created="2012-06-20T18:03:50"/>
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 2"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234/PowerPort 11" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="11" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="PowerPort 11" Locked="true">
            <LockInfo ReservationName="Immediate reservation" MachineName="PRODUCT-W7 - Tcl" Username="admin" Created="2012-06-20T18:03:50"/>
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/SmartPower2L 1234/PowerPort 1"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234/PowerPort 12" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="12" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="PowerPort 12" Locked="true">
            <LockInfo ReservationName="Immediate reservation" MachineName="PRODUCT-W7 - Tcl" Username="admin" Created="2012-06-20T18:03:50"/>
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/SmartPower2L 1234/PowerPort 2"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234/ConsolePort 21" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="21" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="ConsolePort 21" Locked="true">
            <LockInfo ReservationName="Immediate reservation" MachineName="PRODUCT-W7 - Tcl" Username="admin" Created="2012-06-20T18:03:50"/>
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/ConsoleServer 1234/ConsolePort 1"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="Router 1234/Port 1" FolderFullPath="Lab Routers" Address="1" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="Port 1" Locked="true">
            <LockInfo ReservationName="Immediate reservation" MachineName="PRODUCT-W7 - Tcl" Username="admin" Created="2012-06-20T18:03:50"/>
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3"/>
            <Route Source="Temp Automation Resources/GenericResource 1234/Port 1" Target="Lab Routers/Router 1234/Port 1" RouteType="bi" Shared="true">
            <Segment Source="Temp Automation Resources/GenericResource 1234/Port 1" Target="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 1"/>
            <Segment Source="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 1" Target="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3"/>
            <Segment Source="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3" Target="Lab Routers/Router 1234/Port 1"/>
            <Route Source="Lab Routers/Router 1234/Port 1" Target="Temp Automation Resources/GenericResource 1234/Port 2" RouteType="uni" Shared="true">
            <Segment Source="Lab Routers/Router 1234/Port 1" Target="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3"/>
            <Segment Source="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3" Target="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 2"/>
            <Segment Source="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 2" Target="Temp Automation Resources/GenericResource 1234/Port 2"/>

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    AddRoutesToReservationReserve specified routes.

    Adds (but does not connect) routes between all pairs of source and target endpoints, adding additional connectivity ports when required. Use ConnectRoutesInReservation to connect the routes.




    string reservationId
    Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
    list sourceResourcesFullPath
    Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
    list targetResourcesFullPath
    Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
    string mappingType
    Specify bidirectional or unidirectional as the mapping type.
    number maxHops
    Specify the maximum number or allowed hops.
    string routeAlias
    Specify the route’s alias.
    boolean isShared
    Specify whether these routes are shared. Shared routes can be used in more than one reservation.


            <string>Router 1234/Port 1</string>
            <string>GenericResource 1234/Port 1</string>
            <routeAlias>a route</routeAlias>


  • resultXml
            <Route Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 1" RouteType="bi" Shared="true">
            <Segment Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3"/>
            <Segment Source="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3" Target="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 1"/>
            <Segment Source="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 1" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 1"/>

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    CreateImmediateReservationCreate an imminent reservation.

    Defines a reservation to be started immediately.




    string reservationName
    Specify the name of the reservation.
    string owner
    Specify the user name of the reservation owner.
    number durationInMinutes
    Specify the length of the reservation. (in minutes)
    boolean notifyOnStart
    Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation starts.
    boolean notifyOnEnd
    Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation ends.
    number notificationMinutesBeforeEnd
    Indicate the number of minutes before the end of the reservation to send out a Notify On End alert to the reservation owner. (0 = disabled)


            <reservationName>immediate reservation</reservationName>
            <ParamName>Some global</ParamName>
            <Value>some value</Value>
            <ResourceName>Some resource</ResourceName>
            <Value>Some resource model</Value>
            <ResourceName>Some resource</ResourceName>
            <Value>10 Mbps</Value>


  • resultXml
            <Reservation Id="28cb2a71-c8fc-4f41-a22b-e65685ebed14" Name="Immediate reservation" StartTime="2012-06-20T15:05:00" EndTime="2012-06-20T15:35:00" RecurrenceType="None" Owner="admin" Booked="true" Status="Active" ActualEndTime="" CreateDate="2012-06-20T15:05:06" ModificationDate="2012-06-20T15:05:06">

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    CreateImmediateTopologyReservationCreate an imminent reservation.

    Defines a reservation to be started immediately. The reservation will start regardless of conflicting resources.




    string reservationName
    Specify the name of the reservation.
    string owner
    Specify the user name of the reservation owner.
    number durationInMinutes
    Specify the length of the reservation. (in minutes)
    boolean notifyOnStart
    Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation starts.
    boolean notifyOnEnd
    Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation ends.
    number notificationMinutesBeforeEnd
    Indicate the number of minutes before the end of the reservation to send out a Notify On End alert to the reservation owner. (0 = disabled)
    string topologyFullPath
    Specify the full topology name. Include the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
    list globalInputs
    Global inputs associated with the specified topology.
    list requirementsInputs
    Requirements inputs associated with the specified topology. For example: {['Resource Name', 'Input Name', 'Value', 'AttributeType';]}, AttributeType can be one of the following: Attributes/Models/Quantity. The Value field can be used to input to requirement fields with different operator types. If pass value as is, it will be treated as "equals", for example if pass "5" it will indicate to system that seek requirement that fulfills =5 Other operators (aside from equals) can be fulfilled using this convention: in the value field, write use the format symbol[space]value for example for numeric values > 4 < 4 >= 4 <= 4 = 4 != 4 for textual values = "hi there" != "hi there" startswith hi there endswith hi there contains hi there doesnotcontain hi there
    list additionalInfoInputs
    Additional info inputs associated with the specified topology.
    boolean notifyOnSetupComplete
    Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation setup completes.


            <reservationName>immediate reservation</reservationName>
            <ParamName>Some global</ParamName>
            <Value>some value</Value>
            <ResourceName>Some resource</ResourceName>
            <Value>Some resource model</Value>
            <ResourceName>Some resource</ResourceName>
            <Value>10 Mbps</Value>


  • resultXml
            <Reservation Id="28cb2a71-c8fc-4f41-a22b-e65685ebed14" Name="Immediate reservation" StartTime="2012-06-20T15:05:00" EndTime="2012-06-20T15:35:00" RecurrenceType="None" Owner="admin" Booked="true" Status="Active" ActualEndTime="" CreateDate="2012-06-20T15:05:06" ModificationDate="2012-06-20T15:05:06">

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    CreateReservationCreate a reservation.

    Defines a new reservation.




    string reservationName
    Specify the name of the reservation.
    string owner
    Specify the user name of the reservation owner.
    string startTime
    The start time of the reservation.
    string endTime
    The end time of the reservation.
    boolean notifyOnStart
    Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation starts.
    boolean notifyOnEnd
    Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation ends.
    number notificationMinutesBeforeEnd
    Indicate the number of minutes before the end of the reservation to send out a Notify On End alert to the reservation owner. (0 = disabled)


            <reservationName>test reservation</reservationName>
            <startTime>01/01/2015 10:00</startTime>
            <endTime>01/01/2015 11:00</endTime>
            <ParamName>Some global</ParamName>
            <Value>some value</Value>
            <ResourceName>Some resource</ResourceName>
            <Value>Some resource model</Value>
            <ResourceName>Some resource</ResourceName>
            <Value>10 Mbps</Value>


  • resultXml
            <Reservation Id="af626b88-458b-4e7a-9054-c03d8cffa260" Name="test reservation" StartTime="2015-01-01T10:00:00" EndTime="2015-01-01T11:00:00" RecurrenceType="None" Owner="admin" Booked="true" Status="Pending" ActualEndTime="" CreateDate="2012-06-20T10:40:47" ModificationDate="2012-06-20T10:40:47">

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    CreateTopologyReservationCreate a reservation.

    Defines a new reservation.




    string reservationName
    Specify the name of the reservation.
    string owner
    Specify the user name of the reservation owner.
    string startTime
    The start time of the reservation.
    string endTime
    The end time of the reservation.
    boolean notifyOnStart
    Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation starts.
    boolean notifyOnEnd
    Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation ends.
    number notificationMinutesBeforeEnd
    Indicate the number of minutes before the end of the reservation to send out a Notify On End alert to the reservation owner. (0 = disabled)
    string topologyFullPath
    Specify the full topology name. Include the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
    list globalInputs
    Global inputs associated with the specified topology.
    list requirementsInputs
    Requirements inputs associated with the specified topology. For example: {['Resource Name', 'Input Name', 'Value', 'AttributeType';]}, AttributeType can be one of the following: Attributes/Models/Quantity. The Value field can be used to input to requirement fields with different operator types. If pass value as is, it will be treated as "equals", for example if pass "5" it will indicate to system that seek requirement that fulfills =5 Other operators (aside from equals) can be fulfilled using this convention: in the value field, write use the format symbol[space]value for example for numeric values > 4 < 4 >= 4 <= 4 = 4 != 4 for textual values = "hi there" != "hi there" startswith hi there endswith hi there contains hi there doesnotcontain hi there
    list additionalInfoInputs
    Additional info inputs associated with the specified topology.
    boolean notifyOnSetupComplete
    Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation setup completes.


            <reservationName>test reservation</reservationName>
            <startTime>01/01/2015 10:00</startTime>
            <endTime>01/01/2015 11:00</endTime>
            <ParamName>Some global</ParamName>
            <Value>some value</Value>
            <ResourceName>Some resource</ResourceName>
            <Value>Some resource model</Value>
            <ResourceName>Some resource</ResourceName>
            <Value>10 Mbps</Value>


  • resultXml
            <Reservation Id="af626b88-458b-4e7a-9054-c03d8cffa260" Name="test reservation" StartTime="2015-01-01T10:00:00" EndTime="2015-01-01T11:00:00" RecurrenceType="None" Owner="admin" Booked="true" Status="Pending" ActualEndTime="" CreateDate="2012-06-20T10:40:47" ModificationDate="2012-06-20T10:40:47">

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    CreateResourceAdd a new resource.

    Adds a new resource.




    string resourceFamily
    Specify the name of the resource family (optional).
    string resourceModel
    Specify the resource model.
    string resourceName
    Specify the resource name.
    string resourceAddress
    Specify the resource address.
    string folderFullPath
    Specify the full folder name. Include the full path from the root to a specific folder, separated by slashes. For example: ResourceFamilyFolder/ResourceModelFolder.
    string parentResourceFullPath
    Specify the full path from the root to a parent resource, separated by slashes. For example: Traffic Generators/Generic.
    string resourceDescription
    Provide a short description to help identify the resource.


            <resourceFamily>Generic Port</resourceFamily>
            <resourceModel>Generic Port Model</resourceModel>
            <resourceName>Port 1</resourceName>
            <folderFullPath>Lab Routers</folderFullPath>
            <parentResourceFullPath>Router 1234</parentResourceFullPath>
            <resourceDescription>a generic router port</resourceDescription>


  • resultXml
            <ResponseInfo Name="Router 1234" FolderFullPath="Lab Routers" Address="" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Chassis" ResourceModelName="Generic Chassis Model" Locked="false" Excluded="false" Description="a generic router">
            <ResourceAttribute Name="SW_Version" Value="" Type="String"/>
            <ResponseInfo Name="Router 1234/Port 1" FolderFullPath="Lab Routers" Address="1" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Locked="false" Excluded="false" Description="a generic router port">

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    CreateRouteInReservationCreate a route between two resources.

    Creates a route between the specified source and target resources.




    string reservationId
    Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
    string sourceResourceFullPath
    Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
    string targetResourceFullPath
    Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
    boolean overrideActiveRoutes
    Specify whether the new route can override existing routes.
    string mappingType
    Specify bidirectional or unidirectional as the mapping type.
    number maxHops
    Specify the maximum number or allowed hops.
    string routeAlias
    Specify the route’s alias.
    boolean isShared
    Specify whether this route is shared. Shared routes can be used in more than one reservation.


            <sourceResourceFullPath>Router 1234/Port 1</sourceResourceFullPath>
            <targetResourceFullPath>GenericResource 1234/Port 1</targetResourceFullPath>
            <routeAlias>a route</routeAlias>


  • resultXml
            <Route Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 1" RouteType="bi" Shared="true">
            <Segment Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3"/>
            <Segment Source="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3" Target="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 1"/>
            <Segment Source="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 1" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 1"/>

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    CreateRoutesInReservationCreate routes between the listed source and target resources.

    Create routes between the listed source and target resources. Routes will be created for each pair of source and target resources.




    string reservationId
    Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
    list sourceResourcesFullPath
    Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
    list targetResourcesFullPath
    Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
    boolean overrideActiveRoutes
    Specify whether the new route can override existing routes.
    string mappingType
    Specify bidirectional or unidirectional as the mapping type.
    number maxHops
    Specify the maximum number or allowed hops.
    string routeAlias
    Specify the route’s alias.
    boolean isShared
    Specify whether these routes are shared. Shared routes can be used in more than one reservation.


            <string>Router 1234/Port 1</string>
            <string>GenericResource 1234/Port 2</string>
            <routeAlias>uni route</routeAlias>


  • resultXml
            <Route Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 2" RouteType="uni" Shared="true">
            <Segment Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3"/>
            <Segment Source="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3" Target="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 2"/>
            <Segment Source="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 2" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 2"/>

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    Executes a command for the specified driver.




    string reservationId
    Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
    string resourceFullPath
    Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: RouterA/Port1.
    string commandName
    Specify the name of the command.
    string commandTag
    Specify the command tag. Connected command tags are used to define categories of functionality (e.g 'virtualization').
    list parameterValues
    Specify the list of parameters values required for executing the command.
    list connectedPortsFullPath
    Specify the list of connected ports to use in this operation. Include the full path from the root resource to each port, separated by slashes. For example: Switch20/Blade5/PowerPort1. Leave blank to perform the connected operation on all of the specified resource’s connected ports.
    boolean printOutput
    Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.


            <resourceFullPath>Router 1234</resourceFullPath>
            <string>Router 1234/Port1</string>


  • resultXml
  • <ResponseInfo Output="success"/>

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    Edit Apps in a reservation




    string reservationId
    Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
    list editAppsRequests
    Changes to implement in the App. Please note that when modifying attributes, *all* the attributes in deployed app must be updated.


            <NewName>my new name</NewName>
            <Description>my desc</Description>
            <Name>vCenter Clone VM From VM</Name>


  • resultXml
  • <ResponseInfo Output="success"/>

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    ExecuteCommandExecute a command.

    Executes a command for the specified target.




    string reservationId
    Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
    string targetName
    Specify the name of the target according to the target type: for resources - specify the resouce's name, for services - the service's alias.
    string targetType
    Specify the target type for command execution, possible values are: Resource, Service, App.
    Use 0 for Resource, 1 for Service, 2 for App.
    string commandName
    Specify the name of the command.
    list commandInputs
    Specify a matrix of input names and values required for executing the command.
    boolean printOutput
    Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.


            <targetName>Router 1234</targetName>


  • resultXml
  • <ResponseInfo Output="success"/>

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    Retrieves resources that match all the specified search parameters, and all reservations associated with the search results.




    string resourceFamily
    Specify the name of the resource family.
    string resourceModel
    Specify the resource model.
    list attributeValues
    Specify an array of one or more attributes and attribute values.
    boolean showAllDomains
    Show all domains associated with the logged in user.
    string resourceFullName
    Specify part of or the full name of the resource.
    boolean exactName
    Specify whether to search the exact given name or not.
    boolean includeSubResources
    Specify whether to retrieve the sub resources once the parent matches the name.
    string resourceAddress
    Specify the resource address. Can be partial (e.g. '192.168.').
    string resourceUniqueIdentifier
    Specify the resource unique identifier.
    number maxResults
    Specify the maximum number of resources to return.
    boolean includeExcludedResources
    Specify whether to retrieve resources that are excluded


            <resourceFamily>Generic Chassis</resourceFamily>


  • resultXml
            <Resource Name="Router 1234" Description="a new description for the resource" Address="" FullName="Lab Routers/Router 1234" FullPath="Lab Routers/Router 1234" FullAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Chassis" ResourceModelName="Generic Chassis Model" Status="Available" Permission="ReadOnly">
            <UsageSummary NumOfNotInReservation="130" NumOfReserved="14" NumOfShared="0"/>

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    Retrieves resources that match all the specified search parameters, and all reservations in the specified time range associated with the search results.




    string resourceFamily
    Specify the name of the resource family.
    string resourceModel
    Specify the resource model.
    string fromTime
    Specify from which future time and date to check the resource's availability.
    string untilTime
    Specify until which time and date to check the resource's availability.
    list attributeValues
    Specify an array of one or more attributes and attribute values.
    boolean showAllDomains
    Show all domains associated with the logged in user.
    string resourceFullName
    Specify part of or the full name of the resource.
    boolean exactName
    Specify whether to search the exact given name or not.
    boolean includeSubResources
    Specify whether to retrieve the sub resources once the parent matches the name.
    string resourceAddress
    Specify the resource address. Can be partial (e.g. '192.168.').
    string resourceUniqueIdentifier
    Specify the resource unique identifier.
    number maxResults
    Specify the maximum number of resources to return.


            <resourceFamily>Generic Chassis</resourceFamily>
            <fromTime>03/01/2012 00:00</fromTime>
            <untilTime>05/31/2012 23:59</untilTime>


  • resultXml
            <Resource Name="Router 1234" Description="a new description for the resource" Address="" FullName="Lab Routers/Router 1234" FullPath="Lab Routers/Router 1234" FullAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Chassis" ResourceModelName="Generic Chassis Model" Status="Available" Permission="ReadOnly">
            <UsageSummary NumOfNotInReservation="130" NumOfReserved="14" NumOfShared="0"/>

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    GetRoutesSolutionGet solution for specified routes.

    Calculates possible routes between the supplied endpoints and returns their details, without saving, connecting or modifying the reservation in any way.




    string reservationId
    Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
    list sourceResourcesFullPath
    Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: RootResourceName/ResourceName
    list targetResourcesFullPath
    Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: RootResourceName/ResourceName
    string mappingType
    Specify bidirectional or unidirectional as the mapping type.
    number maxHops
    Specify the maximum number or allowed hops.
    boolean isShared
    Specify whether these routes are shared. Shared routes can be used in more than one reservation.


            <string>Router 1234/Port 1</string>
            <string>GenericResource 1234/Port 1</string>


  • resultXml
            <Route Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 1" RouteType="bi" Shared="true">
            <Segment Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3"/>
            <Segment Source="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3" Target="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 1"/>
            <Segment Source="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 1" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 1"/>

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    GenerateUtilizationReportGenerate a utilization report.

    Generates a utilization report for the specified resources. To generate a report for all resources, leave the resourceFullName and resourceModel parameters blank.




    string resourceFamilyName
    Specify the name of the resource family.
    string fromDate
    Specify the start time and date.
    string toDate
    Specify the end time and date.
    string resourceFullName
    Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName.
    string resourceModelName
    Specify the resource model.
    boolean includeChildResources
    Specify whether to include child resources utilization.
    string groupBy
    Specify how to group the utilization results: Resource, User, or Machine
    Use 0 for Resource, 1 for User and 2 for Machine.
    string utilizationReportType
    Specify the report type: Lock or Mapping.
    Use 0 for Lock and 1 for Mapping.


            <fromDate>03/01/2012 00:00</fromDate>
            <toDate>05/31/2012 23:59</toDate>

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    GetGroupsDetailsRetrieve all system groups.

    Retrieves all groups, including members, roles and associated domains for each group.








  • resultXml
            <Group Name="System Administrators" Description="Built in group, all members have administrative rights." GroupRole="SystemAdmin">
            <TestShellDomain Name="Global" Description="A domain that includes all available resources" Id="dbaf480c-09f7-46d3-a2e2-e35d3e374a16"/>
            <User Name="admin" IsAdmin="true" IsActive="true" IsDomainAdmin="false">
            <Group Name="System Administrators" Description="Built in group, all members have administrative rights.">
            <TestShellDomain Name="Global" Description="A domain that includes all available resources" Id="dbaf480c-09f7-46d3-a2e2-e35d3e374a16"/>
            <Group Name="Everyone">
            <Group Name="Lab1">
            <TestShellDomain Name="Lab1" Description="" Id="71aa4f7e-174d-4df1-b50a-59e98f09005c"/>
            <Group Name="Domain Administrators" Description="Built in group, all members have administrative Domain rights." GroupRole="DomainAdmin">
            <TestShellDomain Name="Global" Description="A domain that includes all available resources" Id="dbaf480c-09f7-46d3-a2e2-e35d3e374a16"/>
            <User Name="User1234" IsAdmin="false" IsActive="true" IsDomainAdmin="true" Email="">
            <Group Name="Domain Administrators" Description="Built in group, all members have administrative Domain rights.">
            <TestShellDomain Name="Global" Description="" Id="dbaf480c-09f7-46d3-a2e2-e35d3e374a16"/>
            <Group Name="Everyone">
            <Group Name="QA_Users" Description="QA users" GroupRole="Regular">
            <TestShellDomain Name="Global" Description="A domain that includes all available resources" Id="dbaf480c-09f7-46d3-a2e2-e35d3e374a16"/>
            <User Name="User1234" IsAdmin="false" IsActive="true" IsDomainAdmin="false" Email="user1234@work.com">
            <Group Name="Everyone">
            <Group Name="QA_Users" Description="QA users">
            <TestShellDomain Name="Global" Description="A domain that includes all available resources" Id="dbaf480c-09f7-46d3-a2e2-e35d3e374a16"/>
            <User Name="User2345" IsAdmin="false" IsActive="true" IsDomainAdmin="false" Email="">
            <Group Name="Everyone">
            <Group Name="QA_Users" Description="QA users">
            <TestShellDomain Name="Global" Description="A domain that includes all available resources" Id="dbaf480c-09f7-46d3-a2e2-e35d3e374a16"/>
            <Group Name="RND_Users" GroupRole="Regular">
            <TestShellDomain Name="Global" Description="A domain that includes all available resources" Id="dbaf480c-09f7-46d3-a2e2-e35d3e374a16"/>

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    GetLockedResourcesRetrieve a list of locked resources.

    Retrieves locked resources for a specific user, a specific computer, or a specific folder. If none of these are specified, this method retrieves the list of locked resources for all users, on all machines, in all folders.




    string user
    Specify a user name to retrieve locked resources for that user.
    string machine
    Specify a machine name to retrieve locked resources for that computer.
    string folderFullPath
    Specify the full folder name. Include the full path from the root to a specific folder, separated by slashes. For example: ResourceFamilyFolder/ResourceModelFolder.




  • resultXml
            <Reservation Name="Immediate reservation" Owner="admin" Created="2012-06-20T15:05:06">
            <Resource Name="GenericResource 1234/Port 2" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="2" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Locked="true" Excluded="false"/>
            <Resource Name="GenericResource 1234/Port 1" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="1" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Locked="true" Excluded="false"/>

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    GetReservationDetailsRetrieve reservation details and parameters.

    Retrieves all details and parameters for a specified reservation, including its resources, routes and route segments, topologies, and reservation conflicts.The data cached for 5 seconds.




    string reservationId
    Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
    boolean disableCache
    Specify if the reservation detail is new or cached




  • resultXml
            <ReservationDescription Id="caf0324e-680c-4555-8620-bcdab99de690" Name="Environment-03-02-2015 18-21" StartTime="03/02/2015 18:21:00" EndTime="03/02/2015 20:21:00" RecurrenceType="None" Owner="admin" Booked="true" Status="Started" ProvisioningStatus="Not Run" ActualEndTime="" CreateDate="03/02/2015 18:21:56" ModificationDate="03/02/2015 18:21:56" DomainName="Global">
            <TopologyName>Environment-03-02-2015 18-21</TopologyName>
            <Topology Name="Environment-03-02-2015 18-21" Alias="Environment-03-02-2015 18-21">
            <ReservedResource Name="bridge" FolderFullPath="" FullAddress="1" Shared="true" Availability="Available" Locked="false" Released="true" ResourceFamilyName="Bridge" ResourceModelName="Bridge Generic Model" CreatedByUser="admin" CreatedInDomain="Global">
            <AppDetails AppName="TestApp" />
            <TopologyInstructions TopologyName="Environment-03-02-2015 18-21">
            <ReservationLiveStatus ReservationId="caf0324e-680c-4555-8620-bcdab99de690"/>
            <ReservedApp Name="MonitoringApp">
            <LogicalResource Family="Monitoring" Model="DefaultMonitoring"/>

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    GetReservationAppImageRetrieve the photo of an app template.

    Retrieves the photo of an app.




    string reservationId
    Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
    string appName
    Specify the name of the app.




  • resultXml

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    GetResourceDetailsRetrieve the resource parameters and attributes.

    Retrieves resource descriptions for the specified resource, and a matrix of all its associated attributes and attribute values.




    string resourceFullPath
    Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
    boolean showAllDomains
    Show all domains associated with the logged in user.


            <resourceFullPath>Lab Routers/Router 1234</resourceFullPath>


  • resultXml
            <ResponseInfo Name="Router 1234" DriverName="Router Driver" FolderFullPath="Lab Routers" Address="" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Chassis" ResourceModelName="Generic Chassis Model" Locked="false" Excluded="false" Description="a generic router" Permissions="ReadOnly"  ResourceLiveStatusName="name1" ResourceLiveStatusDescription="description1">
            <ResourceAttribute Name="SW_Version" Value="" Type="String"></ResourceAttribute>
            <ResourceInfo Name="Router 1234/Port 1" FolderFullPath="Lab Routers" Address="1" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Locked="false" Excluded="false" Description="a generic router port", "ReadOnly">

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    GetTopologyDetailsRetrieve the topology parameters and attributes.

    Retrieves all resources and attributes associated with the specified topology.




    string topologyFullPath
    Specify the full topology name. Include the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.


            <topologyFullPath>Temp Automation Resources/TP1</topologyFullPath>


  • resultXml
            <ResponseInfo Name="TP1" Owner="admin" Type="Build" State="Ready">
            <ResourceInfo Name="Router 1234" FolderFullPath="Lab Routers" Address="" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Chassis" ResourceModelName="Generic Chassis Model" Alias="Router 1234" Locked="false" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="false">
            <ResourceAttribute Name="SW_Version" Value="" Type="String"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234/ConsolePort 21" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="21" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="ConsolePort 21" Locked="false" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="true">
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/ConsoleServer 1234/ConsolePort 1"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234/Port 2" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="2" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="Port 2" Locked="false" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="true">
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 2"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234/PowerPort 12" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="12" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="PowerPort 12" Locked="false" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="true">
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/SmartPower2L 1234/PowerPort 2"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="Router 1234/Port 1" FolderFullPath="Lab Routers" Address="1" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="Port 1" Locked="false" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="true">
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234/PowerPort 11" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="11" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="PowerPort 11" Locked="false" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="true">
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/SmartPower2L 1234/PowerPort 1"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Resource" ResourceModelName="Generic Resource Model" Alias="GenericResource 1234" Locked="false" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="true">
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234/Port 1" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="1" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="Port 1" Locked="false" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="true">
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 1"/>
            <Route Source="GenericResource 1234/Port 1" Target="Router 1234/Port 1" RouteType="bi" Shared="true">
            <Segment Source="GenericResource 1234/Port 1" Target="Router 1234/Port 1"/>
            <Route Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 2" RouteType="uni" Shared="true">
            <Segment Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 2"/>
            Topology instructions.
            <GlobalInputs ParamName="Some global input"></GlobalInputs>
            <RequirementsInputs ParamName="Model" ResourceName="test*" InputType="Models">
            <PossibleValues>Test Model</PossibleValues>
            <RequirementsInputs ParamName="Speed" ResourceName="test*" InputType="Attributes">
            <PossibleValues>10 Mbps</PossibleValues>
            <PossibleValues>100 Mbps</PossibleValues>
            <PossibleValues>1 Gbps</PossibleValues>
            <PossibleValues>10 Gbps</PossibleValues>
            <AdditionalInfoInputs ParamName="Test" ResourceName="test*"></AdditionalInfoInputs>
            <ParentTopology Name="Template01">
            <App Name="App2222">
            <LogicalResource Family="Generic App Family" Model="Generic App Model" Description="">
            <Attribute Name="Access Mode" Value="565"></Attribute>
            <DeploymentPath IsDefault="true">
            <DeploymentService Name="vCenter VM From Template" Model="vCenter VM From Template" Driver="Deploy From Template Driver">
            <Attribute Name="Access Mode" Value=""></Attribute>
            <Attribute Name="vCenter Name" Value="VMWare vCenter"></Attribute>
            <Attribute Name="vCenter Template" Value=""></Attribute>

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    ReplaceServiceWithResourcereplace a service with resource

    Replace a service in reservation with resource




    string reservationId
    The id of the reservation.
    string serviceName
    The name of the service in reservation.
    string domainName
    The name of the domain new resources will be added to. (leave empty for Global domain)
    string resourceDriverName
    The driver name that would be set on the new resources that will be created.
    list resourceCreationRequests
    Requests for creating new resources.
    list resourceAttributesToUpdate
    Attributes to update on new resources.


            <Description>My New Resource</Description>


  • resultXml

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    RemoveRoutesFromReservationRemove routes from a reservation.

    Disconnects a list of endpoints and removes the mapped route between them. Will only disconnect endpoints using resources reserved to the logged-in user .




    string reservationId
    Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
    list endpoints
    The list of removed endpoints.
    string mappingType
    Specify bidirectional or unidirectional as the mapping type.


            <string>Router 1234/Port 1</string>
            <string>GenericResource 1234/Port 1</string>
            <string>Router 1234/Port 1</string>
            <string>GenericResource 1234/Port 2</string>


  • resultXml
            <Route Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 1" Alias="a route" RouteType="bi" Shared="true">
            <Segment Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3"/>
            <Segment Source="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3" Target="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 1"/>
            <Segment Source="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 1" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 1"/>
            <Route Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 2" Alias="uni route" RouteType="uni" Shared="true">
            <Segment Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3"/>
            <Segment Source="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3" Target="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 2"/>
            <Segment Source="L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 2" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 2"/>

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    SaveReservationAsTopologyCreate a topology from an existing active reservation.

    Creates a topology from an existing reservation. Leave the folder path blank to save the topology directly under the root.




    string reservationId
    Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
    string folderFullPath
    Full container folder path where the new topology will be saved. leaving the folder path empty will try saving the topology under the root. For example: FolderName/FolderNameA.
    string topologyName
    Specify the new name for the new topology.
    boolean includeInactiveRoutes
    Include disconnected routes in the created topology


            <folderFullPath>Temp Automation Resources</folderFullPath>


  • resultXml
            <ResponseInfo Name="TP1">
            <ResourceInfo Name="Router 1234/Port 1" FolderFullPath="Lab Routers" Address="1" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="Port 1" Locked="true" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="true">
            <LockInfo ReservationName="Immediate reservation" MachineName="PRODUCT-W7 - Studio" Username="admin" Created="2012-06-20T17:20:37"/>
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 3"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234/Port 1" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="1" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="Port 1" Locked="true" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="true">
            <LockInfo ReservationName="Immediate reservation" MachineName="PRODUCT-W7 - Studio" Username="admin" Created="2012-06-20T17:20:37"/>
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 1"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234/Port 2" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="2" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="Port 2" Locked="true" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="true">
            <LockInfo ReservationName="Immediate reservation" MachineName="PRODUCT-W7 - Tcl" Username="admin" Created="2012-06-20T17:20:37"/>
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/L1 Switch 1234/Blade 1/Port 2"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234/PowerPort 11" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="11" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="PowerPort 11" Locked="false" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="true">
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/SmartPower2L 1234/PowerPort 1"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234/PowerPort 12" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="12" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="PowerPort 12" Locked="false" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="true">
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/SmartPower2L 1234/PowerPort 2"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234/ConsolePort 21" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="21" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Port" ResourceModelName="Generic Port Model" Alias="ConsolePort 21" Locked="false" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="true">
            <Connections FullPath="Temp Automation Resources/ConsoleServer 1234/ConsolePort 1"/>
            <ResourceInfo Name="GenericResource 1234" FolderFullPath="Temp Automation Resources" Address="" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Resource" ResourceModelName="Generic Resource Model" Alias="GenericResource 1234" Locked="false" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="true">
            <ResourceInfo Name="Router 1234" FolderFullPath="Lab Routers" Address="" FullAddress="" RootAddress="" ResourceFamilyName="Generic Chassis" ResourceModelName="Generic Chassis Model" Alias="Router 1234" Locked="false" Excluded="false" WillBeLocked="false">
            <ResourceAttribute Name="SW_Version" Value="" Type="String"/>
            <Route Source="GenericResource 1234/Port 1" Target="Router 1234/Port 1" RouteType="bi" Shared="true">
            <Segment Source="GenericResource 1234/Port 1" Target="Router 1234/Port 1"/>
            <Route Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 2" RouteType="uni" Shared="true">
            <Segment Source="Router 1234/Port 1" Target="GenericResource 1234/Port 2"/>

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    SetRouteAttributesSet a route's attributes.

    Sets attributes and associated values for a specified route.




    string reservationId
    Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
    string sourceResourceFullPath
    Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
    string targetResourceFullPath
    Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
    string applyChangesTo
    Specify on which resources to apply the attribute changes: Source/Target/All.Source refers to the resource connected to the source endpoint of the route. Target refers to the resource connected to the target endpoint of the route. All encompasses all route resources.
    Use 0 for Source, 1 for Target and 2 for All.
    list attributeRequests
    Specify an array of attributes and associated attribute values.


            <sourceResourceFullPath>Router 1234/Port 1</sourceResourceFullPath>
            <targetResourceFullPath>GenericResource 1234/Port 1</targetResourceFullPath>

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    SetConnectorAttributesSet a connector's attributes.

    Sets attributes and associated values for a specified connector.




    string reservationId
    Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
    string sourceResourceFullName
    Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
    string targetResourceFullName
    Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
    list attributeRequests
    Specify a matrix of attributes and associated attribute values.


            <sourceResourceFullName>Router 1234/Port 1</sourceResourceFullName>
            <targetResourceFullName>GenericResource 1234/Port 1</targetResourceFullName>
            <Name>Part Number</Name>

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    UpdateConnectorAliasInReservationUpdate connector alias in reservation.

    Sets alias for a specified connector.




    string reservationId
    Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
    string sourceResourceFullName
    Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
    string targetResourceFullName
    Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
    string direction
    Specify bidirectional or unidirectional as the connector direction.
    Use 'bi' for bidirectional or 'uni' for unidirectional connector.
    string alias
    Specify the connector’s alias.


            <sourceResourceFullName>Router 1234/Port 1</sourceResourceFullName>
            <targetResourceFullName>GenericResource 1234/Port 1</targetResourceFullName>
            <alias>some alias</alias>

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    Restore a saved sandbox




    string reservationName
    Specify the name of the reservation.
    string owner
    Specify the user name of the reservation owner.
    number durationInMinutes
    Specify the length of the reservation. (in minutes)
    boolean notifyOnStart
    Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation starts.
    boolean notifyOnEnd
    Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation ends.
    number notificationMinutesBeforeEnd
    Indicate the number of minutes before the end of the reservation to send out a Notify On End alert to the reservation owner. (0 = disabled)
    string savedSandboxId
    Specify the saved sandbox id.
    string startTime
    The start time of the restored sandbox.
    string endTime
    The end time of the restored sandbox.
    boolean notifyOnSetupComplete
    Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation setup completes.
    string reservationId
    Specifies the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.


            <reservationName>restored reservation</reservationName>

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    SetAppSecurityGroupsSet security groups for apps

    Set security groups for apps.




    string reservationId
    Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
    list securityGroups
    Security Groups
    boolean printOutput
    Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.


            <Name>AsafLinux i-0edb435d42bc9b0ef</Name>


  • resultXml
            <ResultItem AppName="Aws i-0f4e2454f1" Success="true" />

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